It has been so long that I've blogged that I very nearly forgot my userid and password. I'm not sure why I've been lazy, behind, not doing it as I do miss it. Maybe it's just the first quarter blahs, the weather is yucky outside, your in a different mode of "go" than x-mas and summer, it's easy to just do nothing. In any case, I will try to be a bit more regular. At least weekly shouldn't be robbing me of any sleep.
Speaking of sleep. Have you ever slept on a featherbed? I remember a few months ago, I noticed the bed at some hotel was exceptional. When I dug deeper, a featherbed was revealed. "IT" was the puff and ooo factor in a bed. Somehow, it just provided enough support for my back and adjusted for the nooks and crannies in my back. If you are looking for a way to revive your mattress - give it a shot. They come in different feather qualities and like a fibrefill - which is my preference. I like the fluff factor that the fibrefill gives, plus they are a bit cheaper. Check them out next time you are in Winners, Home Outfitters or Linen's and Things. They start at about $70 and go up depending on where and what you are looking at.
The weather here has been OK. Seems like it does get chilly in SW Ontario. It's too cold to go outside and you even need to wear a hat. On occasion, a little shoveling and ice chipping is required. Of course, being in Ottawa makes me realize and remember that it's really not that cold at all. Here there is freezing rain, a whole other monster. It probably took me a good 10 minutes of driving on the highway to figure out how to manage/control/melt/keep my windshield clear of water that was continually freezing. I didn't even realize how slippery the road is until we pulled into the driveway and went for a little skate to the front door. Freezing rain....not at all a good thing.
Well, turns out this blog entry has not cohesiveness at I'd better end it. It's March break coming up and I'm hoping for some warmer weather. Anybody getting away next week?
For my scrapbook friends, I have had a long break from scrapping with only a few instances of card making - on the need basis. I sold some Valentine's cards again - I'll post some of my favs later...but I hunted down a scrap store and am feeling more inspired again. This month with CTMH is is buy 2 stamps sets and get a 3rd free - so that's a pretty good deal.
Jewelry making class is going well. Here is the last project I made - earings. The classes are great. Gets me out, forces me to use a funny part of my brain, and lets me create.
Speaking of sleep. Have you ever slept on a featherbed? I remember a few months ago, I noticed the bed at some hotel was exceptional. When I dug deeper, a featherbed was revealed. "IT" was the puff and ooo factor in a bed. Somehow, it just provided enough support for my back and adjusted for the nooks and crannies in my back. If you are looking for a way to revive your mattress - give it a shot. They come in different feather qualities and like a fibrefill - which is my preference. I like the fluff factor that the fibrefill gives, plus they are a bit cheaper. Check them out next time you are in Winners, Home Outfitters or Linen's and Things. They start at about $70 and go up depending on where and what you are looking at.
The weather here has been OK. Seems like it does get chilly in SW Ontario. It's too cold to go outside and you even need to wear a hat. On occasion, a little shoveling and ice chipping is required. Of course, being in Ottawa makes me realize and remember that it's really not that cold at all. Here there is freezing rain, a whole other monster. It probably took me a good 10 minutes of driving on the highway to figure out how to manage/control/melt/keep my windshield clear of water that was continually freezing. I didn't even realize how slippery the road is until we pulled into the driveway and went for a little skate to the front door. Freezing rain....not at all a good thing.
Well, turns out this blog entry has not cohesiveness at I'd better end it. It's March break coming up and I'm hoping for some warmer weather. Anybody getting away next week?
For my scrapbook friends, I have had a long break from scrapping with only a few instances of card making - on the need basis. I sold some Valentine's cards again - I'll post some of my favs later...but I hunted down a scrap store and am feeling more inspired again. This month with CTMH is is buy 2 stamps sets and get a 3rd free - so that's a pretty good deal.
Jewelry making class is going well. Here is the last project I made - earings. The classes are great. Gets me out, forces me to use a funny part of my brain, and lets me create.