It's snowing like crazy here. Both kids are napping right now. Yes, that's right.


Courtney stayed home from school again today. Although, I think she is starting to feel better as she is starting to boss me around again. Since, she has pretty much eaten zip for the last 2-3 days, today is her recoupe and get some food in her day. I'm making her stay in bed and do nothing, or colour, draw, read books and watch TV. That, I think is her favorite part. Watching TV - all kinds of toddler shows. When a new show comes on, she exclaims like missing a long lost friend, how happy she is to be watching the show. Still, it's nice to have her home. Nice to make her some hot lunches, nice to not have to trek to and from school, nice for Jeremy to have normal naps and nice for me not to shovel as I can just veg out at home.

So, I've been watching American Idol this week. I can't believe it really. I'm almost hooked and can see why people love it so much. It's season 8 and that means that for the past 8 seasons, I have not been a fan. Do we have any American Idol loyals out there? It's so amazing to hear the voices, the stories behind the people are good too, but the voices of raw talent. Wow! It makes me realize that there is no American Idol in this household.

Also, I've been eating Pineapple again. When I was expecting Jeremy, that's pretty much all that I could eat. Pineapple was a sure thing. I went off it for a while ( pineappled out - hahah) - but now I'm back. I'm not sure if it's healhthy, maybe too much sugar, but I sure hope there aren't a bazillion calories in an entire pineapple because that what I can eat in a day or two. Mind, you that's all I eat, so maybe a bit of a binge type of food, but beats the Ketchup chips that I"ve also been eating. OK - I'm telling too much. Really, we are mostly healthy, Whole Foods, organic foodies. But, heck, I think I've been falling back to some childhood foods, maybe FEbruarly blawes - who knows?

I see this is quite a rambly post. Last thing I wanted to share was Handmade Toys. I'm in the midst of planning, making, cutting, deciding on what toy I'm going to make. See, I've signed up for this toy swap. Looked like fun, and my first toy swap. There's been quite a hoopla with handmade toys, children's stuff = all recently, you can read about it here and here. Affects mostly the US, but stuff always trickles in to Canada too. In any case, I've been pouring though my books and still not 100% what I'll be doing. Any suggestions?

But, before I get to toys, I've still been sewing. Here is a diaper kit / bag / folder - whatever that I made. I really like it. It's got compartments, zippers, and versatile enough that when the boy is out of diapers, it can take on a new purpose and use. I especially like the see through compartment as it great for just slipping in diapers, Dr. notes, other stuff that you need to see and keep all together. I've left Jeremy's 7 month meningistis req. form in there - that way I won't lose it! Hard to see, there is a zippered section and under it, is another storage area that I've put some disposible wipes into.

OK - I lied. One more thing. I've started to scrapbook again. Working on Jeremy's baby book. I really want to have all the pages done with Journalling, embellies, titles ect - before I slip the pages into page protectors. Maybe one of these days, you'll see some scrap stuff - cause I'm not done with that hobby yet.


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