On the hunt for Zhu Zhu hamster pets
So, unless you are my husband, you've probably not heard of the hours of online searching for Zhu Zhu hamster pets. A couple of months ago, I decided to start looking into what neat fun toys Courtney and Jeremy might like for Christmas. This year, I have decided it will be all about toys. So, after finding a few hot toy lists, I came across Zhu Zhu hamster pet toys. They are already sold out in the States and in the UK too...and a new shipment is arriving in the couple of weeks at your friendly local Toys R Us. I don't know about you, but I will try to avoid that store on weekends and during the holidays at all cost. I can still remember probably a good 10 years ago, when I went into Toys R Us by accident a few days before Christmas and feeling the stress of just being in there...and I didn't even have any kids then...I think I was tagging along with a friend. So, what this means is that I have been searching and using my connections to try and source these pets and accessories. It appears that they are still not in Canada yet...and the anticipation must be building as the clerks at Toys R Us now even know what they are....see I call every couple of days to see if they've come in yet.
Luckily, I have sourced 1 fun house and 1 hamster. I had to go across an Ocean to cousins in the UK - thanks Sam! and across the border for the fun house - thanks Christy. But, I'm sure that once I hear they are in at the toy store, I'll be there. They look super cute, and coincidentally, Courtney has been asking for a pet hamster..so what could be better than a hamster without the mess. So...if you are looking for somthing to gift...or happen to come across Jilly the hamster, or any other than Mr. Squizzles - pick up one for your little bundle of joy...or for mine! I'll probably put some of the attachements on Courtney's wish list too, there is supposed to be a ball, surfboard, car, slide...purse...you get the idea.
Oh, if you would like to check them out - they are at...http://www.zhuzhupets.com/
You can also do a search on key words, zhu zhu mom blog, as they've been doing "parties" in the states to work up the hype. I think they are saying it might win Hot Toy 2009.
And since, we are talking about Christmas. I'll be putting up the kids Christmas wish list soon, that way if you want to shop around or even get something on sale...there is plenty of time to do so.
Luckily, I have sourced 1 fun house and 1 hamster. I had to go across an Ocean to cousins in the UK - thanks Sam! and across the border for the fun house - thanks Christy. But, I'm sure that once I hear they are in at the toy store, I'll be there. They look super cute, and coincidentally, Courtney has been asking for a pet hamster..so what could be better than a hamster without the mess. So...if you are looking for somthing to gift...or happen to come across Jilly the hamster, or any other than Mr. Squizzles - pick up one for your little bundle of joy...or for mine! I'll probably put some of the attachements on Courtney's wish list too, there is supposed to be a ball, surfboard, car, slide...purse...you get the idea.
Oh, if you would like to check them out - they are at...http://www.zhuzhupets.com/
You can also do a search on key words, zhu zhu mom blog, as they've been doing "parties" in the states to work up the hype. I think they are saying it might win Hot Toy 2009.
And since, we are talking about Christmas. I'll be putting up the kids Christmas wish list soon, that way if you want to shop around or even get something on sale...there is plenty of time to do so.