Thanksgiving weekend
It was just thanksgiving weekend and it was nice to have a long weekend. Courtney was off school on Friday, so as a treat we all went to an indoor playgym. Jeremy loved it there...all that free space and push toys and of course watching his big sister run around the place. Turns out though that it's not as much fun for a 6 year old when it's just little ole herself playing and running around. Even with a kid brother who is starting to totter more and more, she was ready to go after about an hour.
Saturday was ballet class, then a quick play at the park riding in the wagon. Turns out that Jeremy loves riding in his wagon. He doesn't mind the bumps like Courtney did. He didn't even mind the constant shlumping down into the seat. He's getting the hang of it and knows to grip the sides to prevent him from sliding down...but when you've got an apple in your hand, it does make it difficult.

Sunday was our thanksgiving. We started the day by heading over to Chudleighs to pick some apples. Gosh, it was cold and busy there. I think we were only actually at the farm for a little over an hour. There was some apple picking, sliding, pony riding, appple eating ( of course), animal watching and line standing. It was fun to get out and since I popped Jeremy into the backpack sling - it was very easy to not have to worry about him. It was a great time to go pick apples, lots of varieties in season and to chose from. At 99cents a lb - it's not the cheapest, but couldn't be tastier or fresher...just off the tree!

Ja did the cooking this year. He bought a small $8 turkey and it was OK. I don't know about budget meat...maybe we've been spoiled eating healthier and fancy smancy organic meats lately, but this one was good but not great. We decided to get all dressed up and make it a proper dinner. We rarely have the occasion to put our best on as a family that it was nice to make the effort. Courtey had pulled on this fun pink twirly dress at first, but once she saw Ja in a tie and me in a skirt, she decided she wanted to wear her fancy dress too. Jeremy is a messy eater, so he got a fresh clean shirt pulled over his head. Dinner was fun with the kids sitting side by side. Laughing at something silly. I'm sure there will be lots of sibling sillies coming up. It's so cute and endearing to watch.

Saturday was ballet class, then a quick play at the park riding in the wagon. Turns out that Jeremy loves riding in his wagon. He doesn't mind the bumps like Courtney did. He didn't even mind the constant shlumping down into the seat. He's getting the hang of it and knows to grip the sides to prevent him from sliding down...but when you've got an apple in your hand, it does make it difficult.

Sunday was our thanksgiving. We started the day by heading over to Chudleighs to pick some apples. Gosh, it was cold and busy there. I think we were only actually at the farm for a little over an hour. There was some apple picking, sliding, pony riding, appple eating ( of course), animal watching and line standing. It was fun to get out and since I popped Jeremy into the backpack sling - it was very easy to not have to worry about him. It was a great time to go pick apples, lots of varieties in season and to chose from. At 99cents a lb - it's not the cheapest, but couldn't be tastier or fresher...just off the tree!

Ja did the cooking this year. He bought a small $8 turkey and it was OK. I don't know about budget meat...maybe we've been spoiled eating healthier and fancy smancy organic meats lately, but this one was good but not great. We decided to get all dressed up and make it a proper dinner. We rarely have the occasion to put our best on as a family that it was nice to make the effort. Courtey had pulled on this fun pink twirly dress at first, but once she saw Ja in a tie and me in a skirt, she decided she wanted to wear her fancy dress too. Jeremy is a messy eater, so he got a fresh clean shirt pulled over his head. Dinner was fun with the kids sitting side by side. Laughing at something silly. I'm sure there will be lots of sibling sillies coming up. It's so cute and endearing to watch.
