Ja's working from home the next couple of days because of the G8 in Toronto. When I drove around this morning running errands, I noticed that the QE was noticebly backed up and it wasn't even a busy time of day. I can only imagine what it might be like. With the earthquake felt by most in the GTA area yesterday, who knows what other surprises may be in store. I called home to Ottawa and everyone was OK, a bit shook up as it's been a while since there has been a quake that could be felt, and so it's a bit with disabelief and confusion as to what to do when one is occurring. I think my mom said that everyone left their homes and stood outside watching and talking. Meanwhile, people were scared in downtown Toronto, panic, not sure what was going on and with the added security in the city, it adds that element of fear. Here in my little burb, things rattled and shook. I don't think you could have missed it, especially if you've experienced one before. We were all napping, and I remember thinking in the dark, how odd it was that Courtney was shaking so continuously and evenly as she slept and also thinking that she must be exhausted to have slept though that shaking. I didn't think too much of it, but did take note of it. Once we were up and heard the quake news, it made sense. I wonder if I would have slept though it myself had I been asleep as the time. Jeremy didn't even notice...though something happened between yesterday and today. He was fussy, cranky, quite expressive in his "nos" all the morning. I hope that one day I will realize the signs and see that he is sick, but for now, and again, I only realized this upon seeing his poor little sleepy face and self covered in vomit. I'm disappointed in myself typing this realizing that again, my little baby was sick in his bed and I didn't understand his cry to respond immediately to him. He's at that stage when he occasionally calls out to us in an attempt to get a extra cuddle and put off night time so.....
Anyways, he's asleep now and I hope that it will be like last time and just be a 24 hr bug. I hope that he will wake up tomorrow morning and be his cheerful, independent and hungry self.
Fortunately, Courtney is well enough. Started her swim lessons which are the highlights of her day.
I can't believe how fast the summer is going. Soon, it will be July.
Hope y'all having a good night. Other than the sickie here, it's lovely summer weather, a bit rainy but I don't mind too much as it never stays too long. I'd rather it wasn't a scorching hot summer myself.