Spring Cleaning

This year, we have started spring cleaning a bit early. Yesterday, we tidied up the yard, and this morning before it started to drop big fat snowflakes, Ja was up on the roof cleaning the eaves. All this we did selfishly to primp and preen to get the house ready for sale. Yes, we are selling and moving. The last couple of weeks, we have been de-cluttering, packing up, throwing things away, doing renos, painting, getting things fixed and corrected all to lead up to this week. We list tomorrow and have an agent open house on Tuesday. I have never monitored the weather more in my life, as a nice sunny week would be great, though, Ja thinks a rainy week would be all right too as they wouldn't be thinking of our the yard that needs a bit more tlc. Still, I think we will be ready. Tomorrow, Beautie, the cat, gets a little vacation at the Cat's Castle which Jeremy and I visited on Friday, and it's nice for a cat kennel. Only cats too. It will help make our cleanup easier during the first week, which everyone tells me can be unpredictable. Nice weather will mean that Jemmy and I can be outdoors and play at the park. Something which he really enjoys at the moment. He's all into big slides and can't wait to wear his wet pants.

Otherwise, life here in our little corner keeps puttering along. It's a round of Spring activities and we've switched up some of the days that Courtney does her activities. I have a few more car pools in place, so it's not as much driving around which is nice. I'm looking forward to summer when we will not have something to do every day after school and we can just enjoy the outdoors.

Wish us luck with the house thingy. It will be nice not to be cleaning all the time, and to get back to cooking in the kitchen.

I'll try and post some pictures of the kids this week. Jeremy is talking a lot more these days. You can almost understand him 50% of the time, he's got a great sense of humour, and Courtney, she has long long hair, claims that dark blue is her favourite colour now and has now read book 3 of Harry Potter. They are both growing up so quickly.


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